Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Grace Gospel - My Thoughts

In my previous post, I have mentioned that I will do a review of Pastor Prince's book "Destined To Reign". I have completed it and will share some thoughts here.

Pastor Prince message on grace and the finished work of Jesus on the cross stands out strongly throughout the chapters and I am sure that all will agree that we are saved by grace and grace alone, not of works. What follows after salvation is that the christian should not be bonded to follow the law. Because your sins of past,present and future are forgiven, the believer do not need to ask for forgiveness anymore,contrary to basic foundations of Christian living of continual repentance and producing the fruit or results of repentance. Pastor Prince asserts that the christian who received grace will be so in love with Jesus that he will not want to live in sin anymore. His message is one of living in grace, devoid of laws that binds.

I can understand how Pastor Prince's teachings has stir up a storm. There are major issues brought up in the book that challenges basic beliefs. Top on the list is not seeking for forgiveness for sin and the Holy Spirit role of conviction of righteousness, not sin. This has been addressed in a number of posts on blogsites. I don't intend to start a doctrinal discussion here knowing that there are strong viewpoints on both sides of the fence, judging from the numerous posts on this. Neither am I a theologian to be able to engage in deep theological discussion.

While there are many whose lives are transformed by God through Pastor Prince's ministry, it is still God who works through him. Give God the glory that is due to Him. Continue to study the scriptures and ask God to reveal His deep truths to us so that we will be able to lift each other up, not put them down. The Scriptures clearly tells us to “watch your life and doctrine closely” (1 Timothy 4:16).

Doctrines aside, I am amazed by what God is doing in NCC. Through the various testimonies I have heard of lives being changed and new converts coming into the kingdom through the ministry and services in NCC, I cannot but continue to praise God for His mighty works done in NCC. I am reminded of Paul's message in Philippians 1:18 that for whatever motives "..the fact remains that the message about Christ is being preached, so I rejoice..".

So, after reading the book, what is my advise to my son? Well, I have told him of the major differences in teachings and continue to encourage him to dig deeply into the Word of God to discover the truths. He can continue to attend NCC as long as he is comfortable and continue to grow in his spiritual life as well as his service to God.

In the final analysis, what is important is where your beliefs takes you. If that leads you to a greater love for Jesus and bearing fruits in the process, all glory be to God. That is where God wants us to be, isn't it?

Prosperity and health and everything good are just benefits of salvation, but that is not the end of it. We must be ready to live for Him, even to the point of suffering, for Him.

The Great Commission awaits...let's not be sidetracked and lose our focus to bring in the harvest...that's my prayer.


As The Deer said...

Having been on forums & hearing Pastor Prince being slammed left-right-centre because people are set on focusing on the differences, it is wonderful to read an entry by someone who realises the glory - ALL OF IT - belongs to our wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ... to our loving Abba in Heaven.

As Christians, we should not be attacking each other, but working together for the glory of God. Winning souls for Him, not turning them away because of our petty arguments between churches.

How I wish more people would be able to see what you could see...

Blessed are you brother for mere human nature has not revealed this to you, but our Father in Heaven.

Jerry said...

God bless you, Sister. All glory be to God.