Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Mother's Day Dedication

So many of us just take it for granted. We assume the things they do will be done because they always have been done. The house will be clean and tidy, the kids will be ready for schools on time, the meals will be on the table, etc. What basically needs to be done will be done. We take for granted that mothers will pay the price to be mothers. In fact, we assume it so much that we often don’t value it as we should.

So this year, a special dedication to my wife :

"Thank you for being there in the different stages of our lives.. Your love and dedication throughout the years has cement the foundation of our marriage and has made it stronger as we journey through this life together. Our 3 sons are a testimony to your dedication and upbringing and truly, I cannot imagine how well our sons were brought up. As I have promised you, "The Best is Yet To Be"..Enjoy the ride! I love you so much! I thank God for you and I recognise you as one of his greatest gifts to me! Happy Mother's Day."

"Give her the reward she has earned and let her good works bring her praise in the most public of places.” (Proverbs 31:30-31).

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