Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MOE's About Turn On AWARE's CSE Programme

MOE has done an about turn on their stand about AWARE's CSE Programme. They now feel that it does not conform to their guidelines and thus has pulled the plug on the programme.

I will not delve into the details but just to say that I thank God for what Josie and her team had done. They are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to right something which they saw was wrong in AWARE and the effect it has on our society, especially our children. I sincerely hope and pray that the old guard will see the error of their ways and change and embrace the help of some of the new members as well, to steer the ship back to its honourable goals.

A small victory nonetheless..Praise God indeed.


Alan Wong said...

MOE has good reasons to turnaround on their position about AWARE's CSE. Take a look at my critique of the CSE based on their Instructor Guide.

Jerry said...

Thank you Alan. I cannot imagine how this could have gone unnoticed by MOE for so long. Let's hope and pray it will not surface again.