Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Psalms 23

I was looking forward to WIN on Tuesday night..praying for the church camp as well as the opportunity to listen to Rev David Holdaway. What he shared that night left a deep impression on me.

The life of David is a classic example of how God deals with those he loves and truly he has earned the distinction of being "one after God's heart". Throughout his life, it has never been a bed of roses...even after he was anointed by Samuel as the next King of Israel, he has to go through the school of hard knocks before he ascended the throne. Even then, he has been brought low through sin in his life. The psalms that David wrote gave us a glimpse into the emotions and struggles he went through at each trial. Psalm 23 shows us the unique relationship David has with God, his Shepherd and his total trust and faith in Him in good times as well as trying times.

As Rev Holdaway shared on Psalms 23, one verse stands out to me " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me ". It had never occurred to me why the rod and staff are mentioned separately as both are used interchangeably throughout the Bible.

The rod stands for correction, but even the chastening of our God is comforting. Chastening assures us that we are yet the subjects of our Shepherd's love. "For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth." Heb. 12:6. "Now chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby." Heb. 12:11. In view of the chastening process we can even "joy in tribulation."

The staff stands for support, or something to lean upon in the time of weariness. Our loving Shepherd shares His staff with us and supports us in times of sorrow or trial. This staff may well stand for the unfailing precious promises of the Bible. What a staff to lean upon! Men's promises may fail, but the promises of our Lord can never fail.

For those out there who are suffering trials right now, Psalm 23 is really a wonderful passage to meditate, ponder and claim on. Let it be to us what David had know the Shepherd intimately so that we can echo truly from our hearts "The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want..."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Mother's Day Dedication

So many of us just take it for granted. We assume the things they do will be done because they always have been done. The house will be clean and tidy, the kids will be ready for schools on time, the meals will be on the table, etc. What basically needs to be done will be done. We take for granted that mothers will pay the price to be mothers. In fact, we assume it so much that we often don’t value it as we should.

So this year, a special dedication to my wife :

"Thank you for being there in the different stages of our lives.. Your love and dedication throughout the years has cement the foundation of our marriage and has made it stronger as we journey through this life together. Our 3 sons are a testimony to your dedication and upbringing and truly, I cannot imagine how well our sons were brought up. As I have promised you, "The Best is Yet To Be"..Enjoy the ride! I love you so much! I thank God for you and I recognise you as one of his greatest gifts to me! Happy Mother's Day."

"Give her the reward she has earned and let her good works bring her praise in the most public of places.” (Proverbs 31:30-31).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MOE's About Turn On AWARE's CSE Programme

MOE has done an about turn on their stand about AWARE's CSE Programme. They now feel that it does not conform to their guidelines and thus has pulled the plug on the programme.

I will not delve into the details but just to say that I thank God for what Josie and her team had done. They are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to right something which they saw was wrong in AWARE and the effect it has on our society, especially our children. I sincerely hope and pray that the old guard will see the error of their ways and change and embrace the help of some of the new members as well, to steer the ship back to its honourable goals.

A small victory nonetheless..Praise God indeed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

AWARE Saga Continues....

This is my third blog post concerning the AWARE saga. I am greatly disturbed, not by what had happened in the past few days, but rather by the subtle way that AWARE has been hijacked by what is commonly known as the GLBT ( Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender ) movement. Top on the list of course, is the Comprehensive Sexuality Education taught to school kids. I wonder what else is there that we have not uncovered. We will never know since the control is back to the old guard.

For those who wants to sign the petition to get MOE to review the CSE programme can do so here.

In the name of "Inclusiveness", GLBT movement has been gaining ground in many christian churches/denominations worldwide. We have the Anglican crisis that has caused the split of the episcopal church of US with its brethren worldwide. The Methodists has its own struggle from within. Now, the secular state of America has begun to legalise same sex marriages in some states. I dare not think what will happen to Singapore when Article 377A of the Penal code is successfully repealed.

Aware MUST get its act together and should go back to its original objectives of championing the rights of women. The noble thing to do is to seek a conciliatory path between the 2 camps as I believe that there are many women out there of the new blood that can contribute significantly to its causes.....unless of course...the old guard think that they are right all along..

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Plot Thickens....

The results are finally out....the old guard won a "non-confidence" vote against the new exco, and Josie Lau and her team have graciously step down from the leadership of AWARE. End of story....or is it?

The leadership tussle at AWARE has somehow unearthed a sinister plot that has gone undetected for some time which shows the old guard's slant towards accepting homosexuality as a way of life. They have promoted this through their "Comprehensive Sexuality Education" workshop that are now conducted in 11 schools.

I quote the following from an article in the christian post :

"the former Aware leadership had intended to spread a liberal, relativistic worldview through the CSE workshop, according to a website launched by the old guard.They justify the liberal programme by saying that students are taught to develop their own views in an environment where values are not challenged, but this is after the fundamental assumptions under girding a conservative worldview have been demolished, leaving a relativistic climate in which what is not objectionable to anyone is deemed right and acceptable."

Children are taught through the programme that homosexuality is ok and that anal sex is ok in spite of the state’s criminalisation of sodomy.

In the article, the media disclosed that the free workshop was funded by Chen Su Lan Trust, whose chairman Yap Kim Hao, a former Methodist bishop, is a pastoral advisor to Free Community Church, a pro-homosexuality congregation in Singapore. The Rev Yap affirmed that he was comfortable with the full contents of the programme.

So you see where all this leads to....a systematic programme to infiltrate the minds of the young ones to "experience" their sexuality in the hope to turn them to accept homosexuality as a way of life.

I thank God for people like Josie Lau & Thio Su Mien, among others who had seen the danger and decided to act to turn the tide in AWARE. Although the battle is lost with the old guard taking over the helm again, I believe that MOE will now wake up and act decisively on this matter. They owe it to all the concerned parents out there who are now well informed of the evil that is polluting the young minds of their children.